
New in version 1.9.

Add self-updating capabilities to your workflow. It regularly (every day by default) fetches the latest releases from the specified GitHub repository and then asks the user if they want to update the workflow if a newer version is available.

Currently, only updates from GitHub releases are supported.


Updating from GitHub requires (at least) macOS 10.13/High Sierra.

The extremely outdated version of OpenSSL in 10.12/Sierra and earlier is not compatible with GitHub’s SSL configuration, so the system Python (and therefore this library) cannot connect to GitHub’s servers.

GitHub releases

For your workflow to be able to recognise and download newer versions, the version value you pass to Workflow should be one of the versions (i.e. tags) in the corresponding GitHub repo’s releases list. See Version numbers for more information.

There must be one (and only one) .alfredworkflow and/or one (and only one) .alfred3workflow binary attached to a release otherwise the release will be ignored. This is the file that will be downloaded and installed via Alfred’s default installation mechanism.


Releases marked Pre-release on GitHub will be ignored unless the workflow:prereleases magic argument has been enabled or the prereleases key is set to True in the update_settings dict.

Supporting multiple Alfred versions

Workflows created or edited in any version of Alfred are fundamentally incompatible with earlier versions, even if no new features are used.

If you want to make a new release of an existing workflow that breaks compatibility with older versions of Alfred, it’s important that you use an appropriate alternate versions-specific file extension to hide the files from older versions. That means, use .alfred3workflow for workflows compatible with Alfred 3+, .alfred4workflow for workflows compatible with Alfred 4+, and so on.

Files with extensions that have a higher version number than the running version of Alfred are ignored by the updater. .alfredworkflow files are installed regardless of the Alfred version.

You can have both an .alfredworkflow file and an .alfred4workflow file in the same release. If Alfred-PyWorkflow is running under Alfred 4, it will prefer the .alfred4workflow if present. Under Alfred 3, or if the release contains no .alfred4workflow file, the .alfredworkflow file is used.

There may only be one file of each type, however, or the release will be considered invalid.


To use self-updating, you must pass a dict as the update_settings argument to Workflow. It must have the key/value pair github_slug, which is your username and the name of the workflow’s repo in the format username/reponame. The version number of the currently installed workflow must also be specified (see below). There are several ways to specify the version number of your workflow:

  1. In Alfred 3+, use the Workflow Version field in the workflow configuration sheet. This saves the version number in info.plist. Workflow will retrieve the version from the environment variables set by Alfred when it runs your workflow (or by parsing info.plist if not running in Alfred).

  2. By setting the version key in the update_settings dictionary.

  3. By saving a version file in your workflow’s root directory (alongside info.plist).

Via update_settings:

 1from workflow import Workflow
 3__version__ = '1.1'
 7wf = Workflow(..., update_settings={
 8    # Your username and the workflow's repo's name.
 9    'github_slug': 'username/reponame',
11    # The version (i.e. release/tag) of the installed workflow.
12    # If you've set a Workflow Version in Alfred's workflow
13    # configuration sheet or if a `version` file exists in
14    # the root of your workflow, this key may be omitted
15    'version': __version__,
17    # Optional number of days between checks for updates.
18    'frequency': 7,
20    # Force checking for pre-release updates.
21    # This is only recommended when distributing a pre-release;
22    # otherwise allow users to choose whether they want
23    # production-ready or pre-release updates with the
24    # `prereleases` magic argument.
25    'prereleases': '-beta' in __version__
26}, ...)
30if wf.update_available:
31    # Download new version and tell Alfred to install it
32    wf.start_update()

Or alternatively, create a version file in the root directory or your workflow alongside info.plist:

Your Workflow/

The version file should be plain text with no file extension and contain nothing but the version string, e.g.:


Using a version file:

 1from workflow import Workflow
 5wf = Workflow(..., update_settings={
 6    # Your username and the workflow's repo's name
 7    'github_slug': 'username/reponame',
 8    # Optional number of days between checks for updates
 9    'frequency': 7
10}, ...)
14if wf.update_available:
15    # Download new version and tell Alfred to install it
16    wf.start_update()

You must use semantic version numbering. Please see Versioning and migration for detailed information on the required version number format and associated features.


Alfred-PyWorkflow will automatically check in the background if a newer version of your workflow is available, but will not automatically inform the user nor download and install the update.



Users can turn off automatic checks for updates with the workflow:noautoupdate magic argument and back on again with workflow:autoupdate.

You can just leave it up to the user to check update status and install new versions manually using the workflow:update magic argument in a Script Filter, or you could roll your own update handling using Workflow.update_available and Workflow.start_update() to check for and install newer versions respectively.

The simplest way, however, is usually to add an update notification to the top of your Script Filter’s results that triggers Alfred-PyWorkflow’s workflow:update magic argument:

 1wf = Workflow(...update_settings={...})
 3if wf.update_available:
 4    # Add a notification to top of Script Filter results
 5    wf.add_item('New version available',
 6                'Action this item to install the update',
 7                autocomplete='workflow:update',
 8                icon=ICON_INFO)
10# Show other results here

By adding an Item with valid=False and autocomplete='workflow:update', Alfred’s query will be expanded to workflow:update when a user actions the item, which is a magic argument that will in turn prompt Alfred-PyWorkflow to download and install the update.

Under the hood

The Workflow.check_update() method is called automatically when you call If sufficient time has elapsed since the last check (1 day by default), it starts a background process that checks for new releases. You can alter the update interval with the optional frequency key in update_settings dict (see the example above).

Workflow.update_available is True if an update is available, and False otherwise.

Workflow.start_update() returns False if no update is available, or if one is, it will return True, then download the newer version and tell Alfred to install it in the background.

If you want more control over the update mechanism, you can use update.check_update() directly. It caches information on the latest available release under the cache key __workflow_update_status, which you can access via Workflow.cached_data().

Version numbers

Please see Versioning and migration for detailed information on the required version number format and associated features.