Encoded bytest and strings

This is a brief guide to Unicode and encoded strings aimed at Alfred-PyWorkflow users (and Python coders in general) who are unfamiliar with them.

Encoding errors are by far the most common group of bugs in Python workflows in the wild (they’re so easy for developers to miss).

This guide should give you an idea of what Unicode and encoded strings are, and why and how you as a workflow developer should deal with them.


String encoding is something Python 3 will let you largely ignore. It will happily let you mix strings of different encodings without complaint (although the result will most likely be garbage) and if you mix Unicode and encoded strings, Python will silently “promote” the encoded string to Unicode by decoding it as ASCII. If your workflow only ever uses ASCII, you need never worry about Unicode or string encoding.

But make no mistake: if you distribute your workflow, somebody will feed your workflow non-ASCII text. Although Alfred is English-only, it’s not used exclusively by monolingual English speakers. What’s more, standard English-language characters, like £ or €, are also non-ASCII.

If you intend to distribute your workflow, you should make sure it works with non-ASCII text.

If you don’t, I guarantee a text-encoding issue will be one of the first bug reports.


Best practice in Python programs is to use Unicode internally and decode all text input and encode all text output at IO boundaries (i.e. right where it enters/leaves your program). On macOS, UTF-8 is almost always the right encoding.

Be sure to decode all input from and encode all output to the system (in particular via subprocess and when passing a {query} to a subsequent workflow action).

If you don’t, your workflow will break or, at best, not work as intended when someone feeds it non-ASCII text.

Alfred-PyWorkflow will almost always give you Unicode strings. (The exception is web.Response, whose text() method will return an encoded string if it couldn’t determine the encoding.)

Use Workflow.decode() to decode input and u'My unicode string'.encode('utf-8') to encode output, e.g.:

 1#!/usr/bin/env python3
 2# encoding: utf-8
 4# Because we want to work with Unicode, it's simpler if we make
 5# literal strings in source code Unicode strings by default, so
 6# we set `encoding: utf-8` at the very top of the script to tell Python
 7# that this source file is UTF-8 and import `unicode_literals` before any
 8# code.
10# See Tip further down the page for more info
12import subprocess
13from workflow import Workflow
15wf = Workflow()
16# wf.args decodes and normalizes sys.argv for you
17query = wf.args[0]
18# `subprocess` returns encoded strings (UTF-8 in this case)
19# Note: the arguments are prefixed with `b` because of unicode_literals
20# You should pass encoded strings to `subprocess`. It doesn't much
21# matter in this case, as everything can be encoded to ASCII, but if you're
22# passing in, say, a user-supplied query, be sure to encode it to UTF-8
23output = subprocess.check_output([b'mdfind', b'-onlyin',
24                                  os.getenv('HOME'),
25                                  b'kind:folder date:today'])
26# Convert to Unicode and NFC-normalize
27output = wf.decode(output)
28# Split the output into individual filepaths
29paths = [s.strip() for s in output.split('\n') if s.strip()]
30# Filter paths by query
31paths = wf.filter(query, paths,
32                  # We just want to filter on filenames, not the whole path
33                  key=lambda s: os.path.basename(s),
34                  min_score=30)
36if paths:
37   # For demonstration purposes, pass the first result as `{query}`
38   # to the next workflow Action.
39   print(paths[0].encode('utf-8'))

String types

In Python, there are two different kind of strings: Unicode and encoded strings.

Unicode strings only exist within running programs (Unicode is a concept rather than a concrete implementation), while encoded strings are binary data that are encoded according to some scheme that maps characters to a specific binary representation (e.g. UTF-8 or ASCII).

In Python, these have the types str and bytes respectively.

As noted, Unicode strings only exist within a running program. Any text stored on disk, passed into or out of a program or transmitted over a network must be encoded. On macOS, almost all text (e.g. filenames, most text output from programs) is encoded with UTF-8.

In order for your program to work properly, it’s important to ensure that all text is of the same type/encoding:

>>> u = 'Fahrvergnügen'  # This is a Unicode string
>>> enc1 = u.encode('utf-8')  # macOS default encoding
>>> enc2 = u.encode('latin-1')  # Older standard German encoding
>>> enc1 == enc2
>>> u == enc1
UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal
>>> unicode(enc1, 'utf-8') == unicode(enc2, 'latin-1')

The correct way to do this in Python is to decode all text input to Unicode as soon as it enters your program. In particular, this means:

  • Command-line arguments (via sys.argv)

  • Environmental variables (via os.environ)

  • The contents of text files (via open())

  • Data retrieved from the web (via urllib.urlopen())

  • The output of subprocesses (via subprocess.check_output() or subprocess.Popen etc.)

  • Filepaths (via os.listdir() etc.). Sometimes. Basically, if you pass a Unicode string to a filesystem function, you’ll get Unicode back. If you pass an encoded string, you’ll get an encoded (UTF-8) string back.

Alfred-PyWorkflow uses Unicode throughout, and any command-line arguments (Workflow.args), environmental variables (Workflow.alfred_env), or data from the web (e.g. web.Response.text) will be decoded to Unicode for you.

As a result of this, it’s important that you also decode any text your workflow pulls in from other sources. When you combine Unicode and encoded strings in Python 2, Python will “promote” the encoded string to Unicode by attempting to decode it as ASCII. In many cases this will work, but if the encoded string contains characters that aren’t in ASCII (e.g. £ or ü or —), your workflow will die in flames.


Always test your workflow with non-ASCII input to flush out any accidental mixing of Unicode and encoded strings.

Workflow provides the convenience method Workflow.decode() for working with Unicode and encoded strings. You can pass it Unicode or encoded strings and it will return normalized Unicode. You can specify the encoding and normalization form with the input_encoding and normalization arguments to Workflow or with the encoding and normalization arguments to Workflow.decode(). Generally, you shouldn’t need to change the default encoding of UTF-8, which is what macOS uses, but you may need to alter the normalization depending on where your workflow gets its data from.


To save yourself from having to prefix every string in your source code with u to mark it as a Unicode string, add from __future__ import unicode_literals at the top of your Python scripts. This makes all unprefixed strings Unicode by default (use b'' to create an encoded string). Add # encoding: utf-8 to the top of your source files to tell Python that the source code is UTF-8.

Encoded strings by default:

# encoding: utf-8

ustr = u'This is a Unicode string'
bstr = 'This is a UTF-8 encoded string'

Unicode by default:

# encoding: utf-8

ustr = 'This is a Unicode string'
bstr = b'This is a UTF-8 encoded string'


Unicode provides multiple ways to represent the same character. Normalization is the process of ensuring that all instances of a given Unicode character are represented in the same way.


Normalize all input.


If your workflow is based around comparing a user query to data from the system (filepaths, output of command-line programs), you should instantiate Workflow with the normalization='NFD' argument.

If your workflow uses data from the Web (via native Python libraries, including web), you probably don’t need to do anything (everything will be NFC-normalized).

If you’re mixing both kinds of data, the simplest solution is probably to run all data from the system through Workflow.decode() to ensure it is normalized in the same way as data from the Web.

Why does normalization matter?

In Unicode, accented characters can be represented in different ways, e.g. ü can be represented as ü or as u+¨. Unfortunately, Python doesn’t ensure that all Unicode strings are normalized to use the same representations when comparing them.

Therefore, if you’re comparing a string containing ü that came from a JSON file (which will typically be NFC-normalized) with an ostensibly identical string that came from macOS’s filesystem (which is NFD-normalized), Python won’t recognise them as being the same:

>>> from unicodedata import normalize
>>> from glob import glob
>>> name = u'München.txt'  # German for 'Munich'. NFC-normalized, as it's Python source code
>>> print(repr(name))
>>> open(name, 'wb').write('')  # Create an empty text file called `München.txt`

>>> for filename in glob(u'*.txt'):
...     if filename == name:
...         print(u'Match : {0} ({0!r}) == {1} ({1!r})'.format(filename, name))
...     else:
...         print(u'No match : {0} ({0!r}) != {1} ({1!r})'.format(filename, name))
# The filename has been NFD-normalized by the filesystem
No match : München.txt (u'Mu\u0308nchen.txt') != München.txt (u'M\xfcnchen.txt')
>>> for filename in glob(u'*.txt'):
...     filename = normalize('NFC', filename)  # Ensure the same normalization
...     if filename == name:
...         print(u'Match : {0} ({0!r}) == {1} ({1!r})'.format(filename, name))
...     else:
...         print(u'No match : {0} ({0!r}) != {1} ({1!r})'.format(filename, name))
Match : München.txt (u'M\xfcnchen.txt') == München.txt (u'M\xfcnchen.txt')

As a result of this Unicode quirk, it’s important to ensure that all input is normalized in the same way or, for example, a user-provided query (which may be NFC- or NFD-normalized) may not match JSON data pulled from an API (which is probably NFC-normalized) even though they are ostensibly the same.

Normalization with Alfred-PyWorkflow


This behaviour of Alfred-PyWorkflow is not 100% correct. There are some strings (notably in Asian alphabets) that cannot be represented in all normalization forms, particularly NFC, which Alfred-PyWorkflow uses by default. However, I decided to NFC-normalize all text you will get from Alfred-PyWorkflow by default, as this will work as expected in 99+% of cases, and insulate Alfred-PyWorkflow users from much of the pain of text encoding.

By default, Workflow and web return command line arguments from Alfred and text/decoded JSON data respectively as NFC-normalized Unicode strings.

This is the default for Python. You can change this via the normalization keyword to Workflow (this will, however, not affect web, which always returns NFC-encoded Unicode strings).

If your workflow works with data from the system (via subprocess, os.listdir() etc.), you should probably be NFC-normalizing those strings or changing the default normalization to NFD, which is (more or less) what macOS and Alfred use. Workflow.decode() can help with this.

If you pass a Unicode string to Workflow.decode(), it will be normalized using the form passed in the normalization argument to Workflow.decode() or to Workflow on instantiation.

If you pass an encoded string, it will be decoded to Unicode with the encoding passed in the encoding argument to Workflow.decode() or the input_encoding argument to Workflow on instantiation and then normalized as above.

Other Gotchas

Well, only one big gotcha: locale.


This is only really important in Alfred 3.

POSIX software, like your shell, Python, Ruby and other command-line tools, use the encoding specified in your environment.

Your shell probably has a sensible encoding set via $LANG or another environment variable:

$ echo $LANG

This tells software that wants to decode input that it should use UTF-8, which is the encoding that Alfred uses.

Alfred 3 runs your scripts in a UTF-8 environment, but Alfred 2 runs them in an empty environment. This tells Python (and other POSIX software) by omission that encoding is ASCII.

Although this won’t affect Python 2’s auto-promotion of encoded strings (str objects) to Unicode (it always uses ASCII), it does affect the printing of Unicode strings, so using print() may work perfectly in your shell where the environmental encoding is UTF-8 but not in Alfred 2, where encoding is ASCII by default.

Be sure to print Unicode strings with print(my_unicode_string.encode('utf-8')) (e.g. when passing an argument to an Open URL Action or Post Notification Output)!

Further information

If you’re unfamiliar with using Unicode in Python, have a look at the official Python Unicode HOWTO.