Persistent data


If you are writing your own files without using the Workflow APIs, see A note on Script Behaviour.

Alfred provides special data and cache directories for each Workflow (in ~/Library/Application Support and ~/Library/Caches respectively). Workflow provides the following attributes/methods to make it easier to access these directories:

  • datadir — The full path to your Workflow’s data directory.

  • cachedir — The full path to your Workflow’s cache directory.

  • datafile(filename) — The full path to filename under the data directory.

  • cachefile(filename) — The full path to filename under the cache directory.

The cache directory may be deleted during system maintenance, and is thus only suitable for temporary data or data that are easily recreated. Workflow’s cache methods reflect this, and make it easy to replace cached data that are too old. See Caching data for details of the data caching API.

The data directory is intended for more permanent, user-generated data, or data that cannot be otherwise easily recreated. See Storing data for details of the data storage API.

It is easy to specify a custom file format for your stored data via the serializer argument if you want your data to be readable by the user or by other software. See Serialization of stored/cached data for more details.


There are also simliar methods related to the root directory of your Workflow (where info.plist and your code are):

These are used internally to implement “Magic” arguments, which provide assistance with debugging, updating and managing your workflow.

In addition, Workflow also provides a convenient interface for storing persistent settings with Workflow.settings. See Settings and Keychain access for more information on storing settings and sensitive data.

Caching data

Workflow provides a few methods to simplify caching data that are slow to retrieve or expensive to generate (e.g. downloaded from a web API). These data are cached in your workflow’s cache directory (see cachedir). The main method is Workflow.cached_data(), which takes a name under which the data should be cached, a callable to retrieve the data if they aren’t in the cache (or are too old), and a maximum age in seconds for the cached data:

1from workflow import web, Workflow
3def get_data():
4    return web.get('').json()
6wf = Workflow()
7data = wf.cached_data('stuff', get_data, max_age=600)

To retrieve data only if they are in the cache, call with None as the data-retrieval function (which is the default):

data = wf.cached_data('stuff', max_age=600)


This will return None if there are no corresponding data in the cache.

This is useful if you want to update your cache in the background, so it doesn’t impact your Workflow’s responsiveness in Alfred. (See the tutorial for an example of how to run an update script in the background.)


Passing max_age=0 will return the cached data regardless of age.

Clearing cached data

There is a convenience method for clearing a workflow’s cache directory.

clear_cache() will by default delete all the files contained in cachedir. This is the method called if you use the workflow:delcache or workflow:reset magic arguments.

You can selectively delete files from the cache by passing the optional filter_func argument to clear_cache(). This callable will be called with the filename (not path) of each file in the workflow’s cache directory.

If filter_func returns True, the file will be deleted, otherwise it will be left in the cache. For example, to delete all .zip files in the cache, use:

1def myfilter(filename):
2    return filename.endswith('.zip')

or more simply:

1wf.clear_cache(lambda f: f.endswith('.zip'))

Session-scoped cache

New in version 1.25.

Changed in version 1.27.


This feature requires Alfred 3.2 or newer.

The cache_data() and cached_data() methods of Workflow have an additional session parameter.

If set to True, the cache name is prefixed with the session_id, so the cache expires as soon as the user closes Alfred or uses a different workflow.

This is useful for workflows that use data that become invalid as soon as the user switches away, such as a list of current browser tabs.


Alfred-PyWorkflow doesn’t automatically clear up stale session data; you have to do that yourself.

Use clear_session_cache() to delete stale cached session data. Pass current=True to also delete data for the current session.

Storing data

Workflow provides two methods to store and retrieve permanent data: store_data() and stored_data().

These data are stored in your workflow’s data directory (see datadir).

1from workflow import Workflow
3wf = Workflow()
4wf.store_data('name', data)
5# data will be `None` if there is nothing stored under `name`
6data = wf.stored_data('name')

These methods do not support the data expiry features of the cached data methods, but you can specify your own serializer for each datastore, making it simple to store data in, e.g., JSON or YAML format.

You should use these methods (and not the data caching ones) if the data you are saving should not be deleted as part of system maintenance.

If you want to specify your own file format/serializer, please see Serialization of stored/cached data for details.

Clearing stored data

As with cached data, there is a convenience method for deleting all the files stored in your workflow’s datadir.

By default, clear_data() will delete all the files stored in datadir. It is used by the workflow:deldata and workflow:reset magic arguments.

It is possible to selectively delete files contained in the data directory by supplying the optional filter_func callable. Please see Clearing cached data for details on how filter_func works.



Alfred 3.6 introduced an API to update the workflow variables stored in the workflow’s configuration sheet (i.e. the values are persisted across workflow runs). See Workflow variables if you’d prefer to store your workflow’s settings there.

Workflow.settings is a subclass of dict that automatically saves its contents to the settings.json file in your Workflow’s data directory when it is changed.

Settings can be used just like a normal dict with the caveat that all keys and values must be serializable to JSON.


A Settings instance can only automatically recognise when you directly alter the values of its own keys:

1wf = Workflow()
2wf.settings['key'] = {'key2': 'value'}  # will be automatically saved
3wf.settings['key']['key2'] = 'value2'  # will *not* be automatically saved

If you’ve altered a data structure stored within your workflow’s Workflow.settings, you need to explicitly call

If you need to store arbitrary data, you can use the cached data API.

If you need to store data securely (such as passwords and API keys), Workflow also provides simple access to the macOS Keychain.

Keychain access

Methods Workflow.save_password(account, password), Workflow.get_password(account) and Workflow.delete_password(account) allow access to the Keychain. They may raise PasswordNotFound if no password is set for the given account or KeychainError if there is a problem accessing the Keychain. Passwords are stored in the user’s default Keychain. By default, the Workflow’s Bundle ID will be used as the service name, but this can be overridden by passing the service argument to the above methods.

Example usage:

 1from workflow import Workflow
 3wf = Workflow()
 5wf.save_password('aol', 'hunter2')
 7password = wf.get_password('aol')
11# raises PasswordNotFound exception
12password = wf.get_password('aol')

See the relevant part of the tutorial for a full example.

A note on Script Behaviour

In version 2.7, Alfred introduced a new Script Behaviour setting for Script Filters. This allows you (among other things) to specify that a running script should be killed if the user continues typing in Alfred.

If you enable this setting, it’s possible that Alfred will terminate your script in the middle of some critical code (e.g. writing a file). Alfred-PyWorkflow provides the uninterruptible decorator to prevent your script being terminated in the middle of a critical function.

Any function wrapped with uninterruptible will be executed fully, and any signal caught during its execution will be handled when your function completes.

For example:

1from workflow.workflow import uninterruptible
4def critical_function():
5     # Your critical code here

If you only want to write to a file, you can use the atomic_writer context manager. This does not guarantee that the file will be written, but does guarantee that it will only be written if the write succeeds (the data are first written to a temporary file).